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Daily Announcements

News and Events:

-The online application for the 2024-25 M.H.S.A.A. Scholar-Athlete Award is now available. Students will fill out the entire application online, which includes applicant background info, short-answer questions, and essays. Seniors with an unrounded 3.50 or better GPA who have earned a varsity letter in an MHSAA-sponsored sport are eligible to apply.  
Any Interested Senior Student Athletes should: 

1.) Go to ect students to to start the application process

2.) Once there, students will create an account.

3.) Finally, students who apply will need to enter an Access Code. See Mr. Thompson for the access code. Please note that Brighton is limited to 6 male & 6 female applicants only. Should there be more applicants than slots, slots will be decided by GPA and or # of Varsity Sports you play @ BHS. 

-The following colleges will be at BHS the week of October 7th: Central Michigan University, University of Michigan, Flint Olivet College, Kettering University.  Please stop by Counseling for additional information.

-Seniors: Your counselor, Mrs. Grossfeld, is holding a college application help session on Tuesday, October 8th during all lunches in the media center.

-October is Michigan College Month! Many colleges in Michigan are waiving their application fees for the entire month when you use their special codes. Don't miss out on this opportunity to save money. Seniors, ask Ms. Farina or your counselor if you have questions.

-Fashion and Fiber arts club has been canceled this week. Please join us again next Wednesday!

-Brighton High School's library media center is looking for spooky submissions for their second annual two-sentence scary story contest. Stories must be original, exactly 2 sentences, and school appropriate. Each submission earns a piece of candy, and the grand prize is a $15 gift certificate to 2 Dandelions Bookshop! All entries are due by October 31. See Mrs. Alfaro in the media center for more information.

-Milan Dragway and Washtenaw Community College will be hosting the Battle of the Schools at Milan Dragway Saturday, October 12th. The BHS Automotive Dept will be attending. Gates open at 12:00. Time Trials Begin @ 1:00-3:00. Elimination Races begin @ 3:00. If you are under 18 and intend on racing, you must have a signed waiver that can be found at Milan Dragway's website. Please see the attached flyer and link for more information. Contact Mr. Delaney for more info.

-Attention Seniors!  Are you interested in pursuing a career in construction?  If so, there is a Brighton-based construction company, Schafer Construction, offering $2000 scholarships through their Build Better Foundation. Students may use this money for tuition, certification, PPE and other equipment. The deadline for this scholarship is December 31, 2024.

-For more information about this scholarship opportunity, and how to apply please see the link in your email.

 -Seniors - We have an exciting opportunity for you! The ACT is evolving, and BHS has been asked to participate in a study for the October 2024 National Test for FREE. Yes, you can take the test ONLINE for Free. The study will provide important feedback to ACT about the comparability of scores between online and paper administrations. Examinees will have more time per question and the overall testing time of the study is approximately 30 minutes shorter. The scores for the study will be college reportable. So, if you would like to participate in the study and get another set of reportable scores,  please click on THIS LINK to sign up. This is first come, first served, and there are only 30 spots available.